You might have questions
My goal is to provide a safe space for you to discern the work of the Spirit, to connect with the longings present in your life and to discover together Love’s invitation into wholehearted living in partnership with God.
Is it therapy?
No, it is not therapy or counseling. Spiritual direction is unique in that we are specifically focusing on your life with God, using the direction space for prayer, silence, discernment & dialogue with God about your real life experiences.
Is it confidential?
The content of your sessions may occasionally be shared with a supervision group to support the sharpening my skills as a director, but your identity will be kept completely confidential.
How often do we meet? How long?
Sessions are typically 45-60 minutes and can happen monthly (ideal at the beginning) or less often depending on the directee's needs.
How do I start?
Navigate over to the contact page and leave a message there. I will get back to you via email. Before our first session a short intake form will be sent to you.
Is there a fee?
I offer a sliding scale to ensure spiritual direction is accessible for everyone. Our first session is free as it will be more introductory in nature.
Who is spiritual direction for?
For anyone who desires to deepen their faith, learn new ways to pray, or is questioning the foundations of their faith. For anyone who is sensing a calling or a new dream, or to have companionship through life changes. If you've ever hoped for a more integrated and embodied relationship with God, spiritual direction is also for you. If you don't have a faith but are curious, spiritual direction can also help you navigate and make sense of your experiences, offering a road-map for further exploration.