Spiritual direction is one of the oldest practices of the Christian faith, dating back to the desert Fathers and Mothers in the fourth century. These Christian monastics helped each other as they tried to live out the teachings of Jesus, and people sought after them for their wisdom. Spiritual direction is one of the earliest forms of understanding our interior life. I've become a spiritual director as one who's benefited from direction for years. Being in loving community as I tried to untangle disorienting seasons or questions with God, was holy ground. In direction one can bring their lives and experiences, unpolished and raw, to a God who lovingly sorts through it all and reaches for us with love and compassion.
Currently my days are lived out of the solid understanding that I am loved by God. I've been married to my true love for 13 years, have 2 beautiful boys, and feel so humbled and grateful that God nudged me into the path of direction. I'm at my happiest when I'm creating art, cooking, baking or gathering with family, friends, and neighbors.